Autism Evaluation

Does My Child Have Autism?

An early diagnosis of autism opens the gates to evidence-based treatments that are critical in a child’s long-term outcomes. Kids who get supports when they are young have a better chance of success in social, emotional, behavioral, and academic areas.

We offer an Autism Evaluation for children ages 3-17 years old. You do not need a referral. This assessment is designed just to test for autism. It does not cast a net for attention problems, learning disorders, anxiety, or other psychological problems.

This evaluation requires equal parts work from child and guardians. The child will attend 2-3 hours of in-person testing with the psychologist. Guardians must complete detailed electronic and paper questionnaires. There will also be a phone call between the psychologist and guardians, after the child has completed testing. The ADOS-2 is one of the measures we use. Our battery of tests is beyond the standard model of care. This increases confidence in obtaining an accurate diagnosis. All measures are standardized and current.

Test results are usually ready within two weeks.

To inquire about autism testing, click here to contact us and add ‘Autism Evaluation’ to the subject line.