Aftereffects of Divorce on Children

Aftereffects of Divorce on Children

Divorce is normal and it can be healthy. But it’s still a tragedy for a child. The United States is a ‘Leader’ in family change with a high increase in divorce, followed by an increase in non-marital birth with or without collaboration. Some experts feel family instability is a major public health problem, while other experts argue divorce is relatively innocuous and in some cases can be a positive change (See Research Study Below). There are emotional complexities involved in divorce and the toll it can take on children. Kids from divorced families are at an increased risk of social and emotional struggles than children from intact families. Struggles may include low self-esteem, anxiety, moodiness, low grades, acting out, and social challenges. Through therapy and positive communication with your child, it’s possible to mitigate or even prevent the negative effects divorce can have on them.

Ensuring your child is in therapy is one of the most effective ways to support them through the divorce process. Therapy provides a safe space where children can express their emotions, develop healthy coping skills, and learn valuable mental wellness tools that will benefit them long-term.

Parents, you can also have a positive impact on your child during this difficult time. Actively listen to your child’s feelings and validate them. You do not need to fix or blame anyone for their feelings. Simply validating and actively listening to their thoughts and feelings has an ongoing, positive impact on your child’s well-being and your relationship with them.

By establishing a strong support system, children can navigate the challenges of divorce and build resilience. Don’t wait until your child is struggling significantly; seek therapy early to ensure they have the support they need to heal and grow through this difficult time. Prioritizing your child’s mental and emotional health by getting them the support they need will help them thrive post-divorce and equip them with beneficial lifelong skills.